


As transmitted through generations, the origin of the town’s name is historic, yet it reflects the district trait and characteristics as people of the place.
From the recollections of the elders, the present town was once a wilderness, a rich hunting ground for wild pigs, deer, monkeys, birds and other wild
life. Fruits and root crops of different varieties also bound. These endowments boosted the existence of tribesmen residing in the outskirts of the area
for years. However, as times passed by, the natural resources of the area grew scarce that the tribesmen had to go deeper into the wilds in search for
food for their continuous survival. One bright day in a mossy wide plane just where the municipal hall now stands, the Kankanaey tribe headed by Apo
Liccud and the Bago tribe headed by Apo Gutob had a misunderstanding as to the rightful owner of the animal killed by their dogs. Nevertheless, as
wise chieftains, they had finally settled their dispute amicably. Right then and there, the rulers pronounced “mansugpon tako”, which means that they
will divide and share the hunt equally. Such brief but vivid account of the elders of the locality spells the simplicity of highly commended civilization a
rational being aspires for the name Sugpon does not only represent a physical dot in the map of Ilocos Sur but also truly connotes peace and

There was no record found on the complete and comprehensive historical basis about the recreation of the municipality as of this writing. Records on
important dates and events that took place and during the formation period were all consumed by fire during the Second World War. Only the ruins of
the old municipal building were left until such were cleared giving way to the construction of Balbalayang High School, now Sugpon National High
School. In view of this, the researches heavily relied on second hand information. Other limited accounts were generated from actual interviews with
past administrators and keen elders of the community. Long before World War II, Sugpon was part and parcel of the old Mountain Province and was
one among the municipalities and municipal districts composing the Amburayan Congressional District. It became part of Ilocos Sur sometime in 1920
when the North was reorganized. It was then reclassified as 6th class municipality in 1978.

In 1890, the place was originally part of Commandancia Politico Militar de Amburayan created between Benguet and Ilocos Sur with Alilem as capital
town. In 1907 by virtue of RA 1646 by the Philippine Commission, all sub-provinces of Amburayan, Lepanto & Benguet were transferred to Ilocos Sur
and La Union. In 1920, Sugpon become part of the Second Congressional district of Ilocos Sur and in 1978 the town was classified as 6th class
municipality. In 1992 the municipality of Sugpon was classified as 5th class municipality.

Sugpon lies at the southernmost part of Ilocos Sur. It stretches out from approximately 120° 30.75’ to 120° 30 longitude and from 16° 40.25 to 16°
50.75 latitude. It is bounded on the North by the municipality of Alilem, Ilocos Sur, on the South by the municipalities of Kibungan, Benguet and San
Gabriel, La Union. It is 14 kilometers away from the nearest market center and national highway, with Bangar, La Union as its main ingress and
egress point. The other gateway is Sudipen, La Union through which the road passes via Alilem, Ilocos Sur following the course of Amburayan
River. However such road network is only passable during the dry season and jeepneys are required to have a dual operated system to overcome
the loose portions of the riverbed. It is around 128 kilometers south from Vigan City, the capital town of Ilocos Sur, 56 kilometers north of San
Fernando City, La Union and around 326 kilometers north of Manila, the capital of the country.

Sugpon is the southernmost town of the provinces of Ilocos Sur. In fact, it is one of the biggest towns of the provinces in terms of its original land area.
Generally, the municipality is laid upon a wild and rugged territory where verdant hills and mountains abound, added to the lustre and beauty of the
numerous creeks and streams that serve as tributaries of the mighty and legendary Amburayan River. On the North, the municipality is bounded by
Alilem, Ilocos Sur; on the East by Bakun and Kibungan, Benguet; on the South by Kibungan Benguet; and on the West by Santol and Sudipen, La
Union in which the Amburayan River acts as a natural barrier between said municipalities.